k8s bookmarks
k8s common
Guide: Kubernetes Multi-Master HA Cluster with kubeadm
Kubernetes by kubeadm config yamls
Настройка НА-кластера Kubernetes на «голом железе» с kubeadm
Kubernetes-HA. Разворачиваем отказоустойчивый кластер Kubernetes c 5 мастерами
Packer, Terraform и Ansible: деплой кластера Kubernetes за час
Upgrading Homelab Kubernetes Cluster from 1.20 to 1.21
Using dnsmasq with a local kind clusters
Breaking down and fixing Kubernetes
Set OpenAPI patch strategy for Kubernetes Custom Resources - Kustomize
Layer-by-Layer Cgroup in Kubernetes
Quality of Service Management for Pods by Kubelet
47 Things To Become a Kubernetes Expert
Kubernetes Overview Diagrams
Kubernetes Examples
Kubernetes under the hood
Resources and limits
Who murdered my lovely Prometheus container in Kubernetes cluster?
How to rightsize the Kubernetes resource limits
Kubernetes Resource Management in Production
Ресурсы в Kubernetes
Часть 1:
Память (Memory)
Часть 2:
Процессор (CPU)
Ресурсы в Kubernetes
Kubernetes configuration patterns
Patterns for Kubernetes primitives
Patterns for Kubernetes controllers
Kubernetes Learning Resources
Awesome k8s
What happens when k8s
What happens when Kubectl Run is executed?
What Happens When Deleting a Pod
Why and How of Kubernetes Ingress (and Networking)
How does ‘kubectl exec’ work? / Docker shim
How It Works — kubectl exec / CRI-O
How to Clean Up Old Containers and Images in Your Kubernetes Cluster
Demystifying kube-proxy
Ephemeral Containers — For a More Civilized Debugging Age
A Deep Dive into Kubernetes External Traffic Policies
Kubernetes Deployment Antipatterns
part 1
part 2
part 3
Вертикальное автомасштабирование pod’ов в Kubernetes: полное руководство
Architecting Kubernetes clusters — choosing the best autoscaling strategy
Working with Kubernetes API
Kubernetes API Basics - Resources, Kinds, and Objects
How To Call Kubernetes API using Simple HTTP Client
How To Call Kubernetes API using Go - Types and Common Machinery
How To Extend Kubernetes API - Kubernetes vs. Django
How To Develop Kubernetes CLIs Like a Pro
Accessing kube-dns from your desktop
The life of a DNS query in Kubernetes
Kubernetes Node Local DNS Cache
Vertical Pod Autoscaling: The Definitive Guide
ArgoCD: a Helm chart deployment, and working with Helm Secrets via AWS KMS
Argo: Workflow Engine for Kubernetes
Create Argo CD local users
Разбираемся с Custom Tooling в Argo CD
ArgoCD: деплой Helm-чарта и работа с Helm Secrets через AWS KMS
ArgoCD with Kustomize and ksops
kind keycloak and argocd with sso
Gitops и ArgoCD: отслеживание изменений образов
Manage your Kubernetes clusters with Flux2
How to Generate a Self-Signed Certificate for Kubernetes
Что делать, если протухли сертификаты и кластер превратился в тыкву?
A Gentle Intro to Validation Admission Webhooks in Kubernetes
How to run your own admission controller on Kubernetes
Building a Kubernetes Mutating Admission Webhook
Diving into Kubernetes MutatingAdmissionWebhook
Getting Started to Write Your First Kubernetes Admission Webhook
part 1
part 2
Writing a Kubernetes Operator: From Zero to Hero
shell-operator v1.0.0: долгожданный релиз нашего проекта для Kubernetes-операторов
Kubernetes Operators by Example
A Practical kubernetes Operator using Ansible — an example
From Zero to Kubernetes Operator
Getting Started With Kubernetes Operators
part 1
Helm Based
part 2
Ansible Based
part 3
go Based
Kubernetes operators with Python
#1: Creating CRDs
#2: Implementing Controller
Build a Highly Available Kubernetes Operator Using Golang
Creating REDIS operator with kubebuilder
Github Repository Operator
Webhook with operator-sdk
part 1
Scaffold and first slice of the operator: creation of github repository
part 2
Update and delete of github repository
part 3
Creating of github repository by cloning another repository
part 4
Validation using webhooks
Network Policy Editor
Why and How of Kubernetes Ingress (and Networking)
cilium: Debugging and Monitoring DNS issues in Kubernetes
Cilium Code Walk Through Series
Istio Data Plane Pod Startup Process Explained
Sidecar Injection, Transparent Traffic Hijacking , and Routing Process in Istio Explained in Detail
Traffic Types and Iptables Rules in Istio Sidecar Explained
Istio Component Ports and Functions in Detail
Understanding Istio and TCP service
Istio Ingress vs. Kubernetes Ingress
Using Istio Service Mesh as API Gateway
Why Would You Need SPIRE for Authentication With Istio?
Locality Aware Routing
Как настроить мониторинг событий в Kubernetes: 4 бесплатных инструмента
Alerting with Prometheus on Kubernetes
Как с fio проверить диски на достаточную производительность для etcd
Ломаем и чиним etcd-кластер
NSA, CISA release Kubernetes Hardening Guidance
Kubernetes Single Sign On - A detailed guide
Running Vault and Consul on Kubernetes
13 Best Practices for using Helm
Using Helm To Include All Files From A Directory In-line
Helm — Advanced Commands
Testing Production Kubernetes Controllers
Writing and testing Kubernetes webhooks using Kubebuilder v2
An example of using dynamic client of
The Kubernetes dynamic client
Kubernetes Operator with Kubebuilder
part 1
part 2
part 3
Running logic of kubebuilder operator
Kubernetes operators for resource management
Pure dry sorting, an article to understand kubebuilder installation, deployment and source code controller runtime library analysis
In-depth analysis of the election mechanism in kubernetes
Writing a Kubernetes Controller: part 1
Writing a Kubernetes Controller: part 2
A Gentle Intro to Validation Admission Webhooks in Kubernetes